Now that golf and tennis operations have come to an end, the Weddington property will be fenced off, and pre-construction activities will commence. This activity will initially include staging of equipment and installation of fencing and sound-proofing.

Throughout the construction process, we will update this web page to make sure that you are apprised of activities at the site before new phases of construction activity commence.

For up-to-the-minute updates about River Park construction, please consider following River Park on Instagram at @HWRiverPark.

At any time, you should feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions or concerns.

Construction Hotline
We have created a new Construction Hotline number, 818-487-6611, which will be monitored constantly. Feel free to call that number or email us at if you have any construction-related questions or concerns. We will get back to you right away.

Weekly Updates:

July 26, 2024

  • Shoring activities are nearing completion.  We expect to be complete by the end of next week.
  • Grading is underway, focused primarily on the area that will become the parking garage.
  • In addition to the excavating equipment, the construction team is closely monitoring and complying with haul requirements, including limitations on number of trucks and haul hours.

July 19, 2024

Most of next week’s activities are the same as this week, with the only new addition being the possibility that grading / excavation might commence.  If that takes place, excavators will be used to load soil into haul trucks.  Drivers have been notified of the proper haul route and turning requirements, and mitigation is in place to remove soil/dirt from trucks upon their departure.  A street sweeper is used regularly to clean Valleyheart and Valley Spring.

Shoring work is nearing completion, using the same type of equipment and method as previously described (vibration, not impact-driving).  Completion date is likely by end of week.

Trucks to deliver the steel beams (Will be arriving throughout the week.  Not in great volume, just 1 or 2 per day).

Installing the soldier piles, located in the north (where the pool and water reclamation system will be) and south (where the gym will be) sections of the site. Two installation rigs will be used.

Water is regularly applied to the soil, via sprinklers, hoses, and several water trucks.

Flagmen will coordinate truck ingress and egress on Whitsett.

As a reminder, all such activities have been fully permitted.

July 12, 2024

Shoring work continues, using the same type of equipment and method as previously described (vibration, not impact-driving).

  • Trucks to deliver the steel beams (will be arriving throughout the week.  Not in great volume, just 1 or 2 per day)
  • Installing the soldier piles, located in the south section of the site (where the gym will be) and the east/southeast section (where the below grade parking will be)
  • One installation rig will be used
  • Water is regularly applied to the soil, via sprinklers, hoses, and several water trucks
  • Flagmen will be used to coordinate truck ingress and egress
  • Final debris will be removed with the use of bobcat and excavator
  • All such activities have been fully permitted

June 28, 2024

Next week’s construction activity includes the start of a new phase:  shoring.

That is the process whereby the construction team will insert steel beams (called soldier piles) into the ground so that they can shore up the earth as they begin excavation.  The soldier piles will NOT be driven into place (which would produce a fair amount of noise).  Instead, they will use a piece of equipment that vibrates them at the same time that downward pressure is applied.  Far less noisy, and the vibrations are quite localized.

Specific activities will be as follows:

  • Shoring
    • Equipment staging onsite (all equipment and worker vehicles are located onsite)
    • Trucks to deliver the steel beams (will be arriving throughout the week.  Not in great volume, just 1 or 2 per day when needed)
    • Installing of the soldier piles, located in the south section of the site (where the gym will be) and the east/southeast section (where the below grade parking will be)
    • One installation rig will be used initially
    • Flagmen will be used to coordinate truck ingress and egress
    • All such activities have been fully permitted
  • General site preparation
    • Consolidating and removing debris, such as fencing and cut poles Combination of excavators and bobcats will be used
    • Concrete and asphalt have, for the most part, been removed from the site
    • In some areas, removal of the top layer of grass so that clean soil can be exported once we start grading
    • Regular watering of the ground, via sprinklers and water trucks, throughout the day
    • Haul trucks (typically, 15 or fewer per full 8-hour day) will remove the above debris


June 21, 2024

Continued consolidation and removal of debris, such as fencing, cut poles and concrete. A combination of excavators and bobcats will be used.

In some areas, removal of the top layer of grass will take place, so that clean soil can be exported once grading begins.

Haul trucks (typically, 15 or fewer per full 8-hour day) will remove the debris.

All such activities are fully permitted.

Workers do not begin construction until after 7 am on weekdays (later on Saturday).  As permitted by code, however, workers are allowed to arrive onsite before 7 am (and initial equipment can be staged, such as the first set of haul trucks).


June 14, 2024

Most of our River Park activities for next week are the same as this week.

The tennis courts have been broken up, so all that remains is removal of concrete chunks.

There will be consolidating and removing debris, such as fencing, cut poles, and concrete.  Combination of excavators and bobcats will be used

In some areas, removal of the top layer of grass so that clean soil can be exported once we start grading

Haul trucks (typically, 15 or fewer per full 8-hour day) will remove the above debris.

All such activities are fully permitted.

*Workers do not begin construction until after 7 am on weekdays (later on Saturday), consistent with our regular reminders and monitoring.  As permitted by code, however, workers are allowed to arrive onsite before 7 am (and initial equipment can be staged, such as the first set of haul trucks).


June 7, 2024

The last section of tennis courts will be removed by Monday.  This work has been completed right on schedule.

Main activities will consist of consolidating and removing debris, such as fencing, cut poles, and remaining bits of concrete.

Haul trucks (typically, 15 or fewer per full 8-hour day) will remove the above debris.

All such activities are fully permitted.

Workers do not begin construction until after 7 am on weekdays.


May 31, 2024

Activities for next week are very similar to this last week:

Continued work on the removal of the tennis courts will take place.  There are now two excavators onsite in order to speed up the process even more.  We recognize that the removal of concrete produces noise, so in addition to the specific techniques we are using we are trying to shave down some of the time.

Workers will be using saws to cut the rebar embedded within the concrete chunks.

Haul trucks (typically, 15 or fewer per full 8-hour day) will remove the above debris.

All such activities are fully permitted.


May 24, 2024

Next week the tennis shack will be taken down and removed.

The process to remove the tennis courts will begin.  Rather than use the common approach of scores of workers jack-hammering away for hours on end, we are using an excavator to pull up chunks of concrete and lessen the potential noise impact.

The workers will be using saws to cut the rebar embedded within the concrete chunks.

Clubhouse interior renovation continues, nearing the final stage of material removal from the inside.

As a reminder, all such activities are fully permitted.


May 17, 2024

Significant construction efforts are underway, and each month that goes by gets us closer to when the property can be reopened for its new uses, for the public and school alike.

Temporary perimeter fencing is just about installed and, as a reminder, this fencing is required by the City for sound attenuation as specified in the EIR and only during construction.

Construction activities this coming month will primarily consist of removing the tennis courts, asphalt, driving range netting, and affected trees (as they are approved by the biologist who monitors all such removals).

We are already hard at work on the clubhouse remodel, in the hopes that we can have it reopened within a year and with the beloved Café Southwest serving guests again.